
Having developed a very powerful piece of financial software in-house, our client, a major Swiss financial services institution, approached us for support in defining an effective sales and marketing operational strategy. Being considered as a “cutting edge” software, our client ambitioned to expand its reach in smaller financial institutions. Open Web Technology's role was to provide support in the creation and roll-out of a coherent sales distribution approach.


We followed a 4-step approach to develop a powerful marketing and sales plan:

  • Carrying out a market (re)positioning analysis to crystalize the Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Specifying a list of features to include on the development roadmap incl. value proposition and elastic pricing model
  • Creating a set of processes and sales tools to accelerate salesfunnel animation and product adoption
  • Defining a 2-year business plan to support the market launch
  • We also carried out a series of workshops with our client's delivery team to re-affirm their product's competitive differentiators.

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