
Our Client, a leading private bank, is facing 3 types of challenges in its industry:

  1. Regulatory constraints on capitalization & transparency requirements,
  2. Pressure on margins with market concentration, global competition and emergence of disruptive Fintech actors leveraging digital technologies,
  3. High client expectations for digital interaction processes, tailor-made investment strategies, high performance levels and contained prices.

As such, we accompanied our Client in the transformation of its trading activities, core to the bank, in order to:

  1. Ensure the bank's readiness for 2018 MIFID 2 regulation,
  2. Optimize operational efficiency with front-to-back process rationalization & automation,
  3. Increase client value with highly personalized financial products & advisory.


We followed a 3-step front-to-back approach to transform the bank's trading activities:

  1. Analyze : we conducted a comprehensive review of current front-to-back trading activities in order to capture best practices & improvement areas.
  2. Prioritize : we prioritized improvement areas based on the interest for the bank & the ease of implementation. Then, we structured the top-notch initiatives in work streams and set in place the transformation program's governance.
  3. Implement : we managed the different work streams & governance leading to tangible results. We leveraged OWT methodologies and project management competencies to empower our Client in the implementation.

To make the transformation successful, we worked hand-in-hand with the bank's internal resources, and ensured alignment between sponsor, project management and operational teams.

The result of the collaboration between the bank and OWT is threefold:

  1. The bank is ready for 2018 MIFID 2 regulation,
  2. The trading department is empowered with project management competencies: review of roles & governance, sharing of OWT methodologies for business process reengineering & tools specifications
  3. Digitalization is positioned at the core of business objective, as a lever to improve operational efficiency & client value: elaboration of the IT roadmap for front-to-back processes automation & rationalization, review of financial advisory client targeting and much more.


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