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Solution Software Factory

Innovative software delivery solutions

Discover our comprehensive approach to software development, which ensures efficiency, security, and quality. Our unique framework supports businesses from conception to delivery.


Understanding our challenges

In today's constantly evolving digital landscape, companies face ever-growing software development challenges. Addressing these issues requires a thorough awareness of software vulnerabilities, technical improvements and market factors. Our main focus areas include effective software delivery, security, and quality assurance. Internally, we have adopted modern DevSecOps practices and have gained expertise in the field through our client projects. Our offering is supported by a team of experts and structured knowledge, enabling our customers to stay one step ahead in a competitive market.

icon High costs

    Traditional software development frequently results in rising expenditures without a guaranteed ROI. Our strategy reduces wasteful expenses by improving development processes and removing inefficiencies, guaranteeing that your investment is maximized. We reduced the exorbitant costs associated with custom software projects by implementing excellent resource management and lean approaches.

icon Extended lead times

    Delays in time to market can have a significant impact on a company's competitiveness and revenue. Our strategic techniques drastically shorten development cycles, allowing you to launch your goods quickly to capitalize on market opportunities and satisfy changing consumer needs.

icon Inefficiency and non-compliance

    Struggling with efficiency and compliance can have a significant impact on firms' operational capability. We improve compliance with demanding standards and streamline software development procedures, minimizing error margins and enhancing output quality.

icon Software security

    While there are more and more vulnerabilities found in software components, there are tools and frameworks that allow us to avoid or mitigate them. It is one of our main values, that we protect our clients from known vulnerabilities by actively scanning our deliverables before and after a production release.

How we help our clients

We support you in enhancing your business capabilities


Accelerating business value through reduced lead times

By reducing lead times, we enable quicker delivery of business value, which enhances your market presence by allowing faster response to industry trends and customer needs. This acceleration in deployment facilitates ongoing innovation and continuous improvement in your product offerings.


Optimizing methodologies for cost reduction

Our methodologies significantly cut costs by optimizing development processes through automation and refined project management strategies. This reduction not only lowers direct expenses but also decreases the long-term operational costs, providing a sustainable economic advantage.


Scaling solutions for business growth

Our solutions are inherently designed to be scalable, making them suitable for businesses of all sizes and across various sectors. This scalability ensures that as your business grows, our solutions can adapt and expand, providing continued support without the need for constant redesigns or adjustments.

How we stand out

We drive success with technology and innovation


DevSecOps consultation

We offer customized, cutting-edge DevSecOps solutions that not only streamline your operations but also integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. Following our advice will enhance your ability to deploy secure and robust applications faster than ever, reducing risks and improving reliability.


Talent attraction

Attracting top industry talents is crucial for innovation and growth. Our company's commitment to the latest technologies and industry best practices makes us a prime destination for ambitious professionals looking to make a significant impact in the field of software development.


Customizable solutions

Our ability to provide highly customized solutions that cater specifically to the unique challenges and requirements of your industry sets us apart. Each solution is crafted with precision, ensuring that it not only meets but exceeds your expectations, thereby enhancing both functionality and user experience.

Get in touch with our expert

Balazs Lajer
Head of Solution Software Factory
Balazs is a Senior TTL at OWT and leads the Solution Software Factory practice. He is an experienced tech lead with a passion for DevSecOps, distributed systems, software/IT architecture and driving collaboration in project delivery. He holds a BSc. in Computer Software Design from the University of Pannonia, Hungary. He helps our clients with the Software Factory implementation, while ensuring the continuous advancement of OWT's internal delivery platform.
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